Pinboard »GIVE AND TAKE«

Seven meters long and room-high is our »pinboard« of our contribution for Triennal of Photography Hamburg  »GIVE AND TAKE. Images upon Images«. In six exhibition chapters, the pinboard addresses topics such as »Archive & Algorithm«, »Profile & Identity«, »Perception«, »Fragment«, »Fact & fiction«, and »Protest & Dissemination«. Through food for thought and impulses for action, visitors can comment, draw, photograph, exchange opinions and work with their own collected videos and photos. In this way, the exhibition ideas are actively negotiated and the museum as a place of exchange and permanent image transmission becomes a current and lively discussion space. Visitors are invited to share their thoughts and attach their notes to the pinboard. Slide frames for photographing through invite visitors to give their own photos a new perspective.

Please share your ideas, notes, sketches and images with us!

Archive & Algorithm

How do you archive images? Take a look at your smartphone. Open your galleries and folders. What photos do you find – only your own, or also other people's and those saved from the internet? When and where did you last upload, save or print a picture or photo? Comment and share your likes.


Profile & Identity

Have you ever taken a photo of something that no longer exists? Call up an image – in your memory or on your smartphone. Draw a sketch of it and hang it on this wall.



What do pictures say about us? How would you present yourself in a series of photos? And what keywords would you use? Think up three suitable hashtags!



A snapshot, a photo, a look – all fragments of one big picture? Open the camera on your smartphone and take a photo through these frames. How does this change your perception? Experiment with different angles and perspectives.


Fact & Fiction

What do photos show, and who do they belong to? Do they always show reality as it is? Have you ever been photographed although you didn't want to be? Have you ever found a photo of yourself that shouldn’t have been used at all? Has a photo ever given you a "false impression"?


Protest & Dissemination

Have you ever joined in a digital image protest? What images do you think have gone viral? What image protests make a particularly strong impact? Standard ones, adaptations, text-image combinations, or does it depend more on the content behind them than on their form?