Photography and filming
Please note: Unfortunately, we are currently unable to authorise any wedding photo shoots.
Any photography or filming for editorial purposes – for instance as part of an article on a current exhibition or the Hamburger Kunsthalle itself – requires preregistration and approval.
Photography and filming for private purposes is permitted, provided this does not involve a tripod or a flash. Special authorisation to use a tripod or flash may be granted upon prior request. Image material taken for private purposes must not be published in any way (e.g. on social media) or passed on to third parties. The authors of the images are responsible for their actions. It is essential to bear in mind when taking photographs or moving images that contemporary artworks by living artists and by artists who passed away less than 70 years ago are protected by copyright. Reproduction rights must also be respected. Therefore, any exploitation of image material depicting works by these categories of artists requires prior clarification with the rights holder.
Photography or filming for commercial purposes and any shooting requests without reference to the projects and exhibitions at the Hamburger Kunsthalle must be addressed to the Event Management & Program Coordination Department .
It is equally important to ascertain whether copyright and reproduction issues apply to images produced for academic purposes. This will require a case-by-case decision. In general, publication of photographs that do not depict contemporary works is permitted for academic purposes. Nonetheless, the Hamburger Kunsthalle must be consulted in this respect if there will be a printed publication above a certain number of copies.