
Moritz Frei

Moritz Frei

Moritz Frei (*1978 in Frankfurt/M.) kicked off our Instagram takeover in April 2020. Moritz Frei studied photography with Peter Piller in Leipzig. The Berlin-based artist reveals a penchant for the everyday in his films, photographs and installations. He directs our gaze to ordinary objects and situations of the present, which he examines with critical humor and dedication for a long time.

Instagram Takeover # 2 KunsthalleHH Lisa Klosterkötter, Mai 2020, Foto: Jakob Engel

Lisa Klosterkötter

Lisa Klosterkötter (*1990 in Cologne) is a freelance curator and initiator of various international exhibition projects. She studied fine arts at the HFBK Hamburg. Her curatorial approach is characterized by a processual collaboration and intensive engagement with individual positions and their respective artistic cosmos, as well as a content-related elaboration and contextualization of socially relevant themes. With her exhibitions she plays institutions and project spaces as well as the public and private space. In May 2020, Lisa Klosterkötter took over our Instagram channel on Wednesdays.

Photo: Jakob Engel

Instagram-Takeover Kunsthallehh, Juni 2020, Domik Halmer, Foto: © Ria Patricia Halmer

Dominik Halmer

The Berlin artist (*1978 in Munich) studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy with Albert Oehlen. His work deals with the fundamental question of the relationship between image and world. In his extended painting Halmer playfully combines object, canvas and space, creating heterogeneous pictorial units that exhaust the full pictorial spectrum from abstraction to illusionism to metaphorical space. On a total of four Wednesdays in June 2020, Dominik Halmer took over our Instagram account.

Instagram-Takeover Hamburger Kunsthalle, Juli 2020, Dana Greiner

Dana Greiner

In July 2020, @dana.greiner took over our Instagram account for the coming Wednesdays. She is part of our upcoming exhibition »The absurd Beauty of Space«! Her works will connect to the architecture of the museum by theatrical means and create a multidimensionality of space through the interplay of material and colour, projection, installation and sound - that much she has already revealed to us. Dana Greiner studied at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich with Jerry Zeniuk , Myriam Holme, Thomas Scheibitz and Pia Fries. Material, form, color and light are essential components of her work. Her objects, paintings and installations have an unmistakable aesthetic of radiant colours and abstract forms. The viewers are invited to enter into a dynamic relationship with the works.

Instagram-Takeover, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Helga Schmidhuber, August 2020, Foto: Albrecht Fuchs

Helga Schmidhuber

Helga Schmidhuber took over our account in August 2020! Like Dana Greiner and Dominik Halmer, Helga Schmidhuber is part of the exhibition »The Absurd Beauty of Space. Seven Artists vs. Ungers«. Helga Schmidhuber studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy with Dieter Krieg and Albert Oehlen. For the synaesthete the examination and connection of the different senses is the central element of her work. She does not proceed in a rational-analytical way, but researches associatively and suggestively in the uncertain. Her work includes large-format paintings as well as miniatures and decorated objects with which she transforms exhibition rooms into chambers of curiosity, thus returning the museum to a kind of primordial state. In Hamburg, she wants to use the exhibition space as an ARCHE.

Instagram-Takeover Hamburger Kunsthalle mit Jan Albers, September 2020

Jan Albers

Jan Albers is also one of the 7 artists in the exhibition »The Absurd Beauty of Space«. Jan Albers studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy. Painting is actually no longer acute for him. And yet, he continues engaging in painting, and resorts to creating spatial works with the aid of metal, wood, polystyrene or ceramic pieces before overpainting these. Overall, his oeuvre is a »permanent construction site alternating between destruction and repair« (Stephan Berg). His space-consuming, abstract reliefs are sometimes reminiscent of photographs of distant planets or mountain massifs, and at other times of urban architectures or the formal reduction of American Minimal art. In September 2020, Jan Albers took over our Instagram account every Wednesday.

Instagram, Takeover Hamburger Kunsthalle, Franziska Reinbothe, Oktober 2020

Franziska Reibothe

Franziska Reinbothe, whose works we are currently showing in the exhibition »The Absurd Beauty of Space«, will take over our account for the next four Wednesdays in October 2020. Franziska Reinbothe's artistic focus is on non-representational painting. In several layers she applies paint on canvas. But what happens on the backs and edges of her paintings then? In these places there are traces that are not intended for presentation but which, precisely for this reason, have an inherent artistic immediacy. Franziska Reinbothe takes this as an occasion to fold, cut, break or saw up her paintings. She then puts, screws or sews all the parts back together again. These interventions can be delicate and subtle, but also very brutal. Frontsides are declared backsides - and turned over.

Instagram-Takeover Hamburger Kunsthalle November 2020, Claudia Wieser

Claudia Wieser

Claudia Wieser #takingoverkunsthallehh! The artist is part of our exhibition »The Absurd Beauty of Space« and took over our account every Wednesday in November 2020. Claudia Wieser (*1973) studied painting after an apprenticeship as a blacksmith at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München in the class of Axel Kasseböhmer and Markus Oehlen. Her practice spans a range of media, including drawing, sculpture, wall installations and ceramics, touching on art, architecture, and design, as well as film and theatre. Her work is often based on the principles of geometric abstraction, and combines both art and craftsmanship, with objects such as painted ceramics and gilded wooden vases exploring the relationship between aesthetics and function, and the limits of shape, form and colour. Wieser is also interested in the development of art history and media: a utility object’s transition into a work of art, for example, or the white cube’s transformation into a stage.

Law of Life Künstler*innenkollektiv

Instagram Takeover Hamburger Kunsthalle Law of Lilfe, Dezember 2020

Law of Life Künstler*innenkollektiv

Law of Life (LoL) who will be taking over our account tomorrow and every following Wednesday in December 2020! Law of Life (LoL) is an artist* collective which is currently based in Berlin, Hamburg and Leipzig. Their aim has been to create collective paths and structures for young artists to support each other. Their first project dealt with the topic of resistance and was shown in three successive exhibitions at Vunu Gallery in Košice (SK), Frappant Gallery in Hamburg and the Center for Contemporary Art in Berlin. LoL is interested in situations of instability and topics such as the question of visibility and perspectives, narratives of “othering” and therefore structures of gender and communication as well as the interplay of body and institution. Currently the collective consists of the following members: @katarina_dubovska, @rahelgrotelambers, @alexander.klaubert, @francis.kusss, @uli.ecke.