Your Photos of Empty Places

With their deserted, sun-baked plazas, streaked with elongated shadows, so seductively expansive, yet at the same time precarious and impassable, Giorgio de Chirico’s pictures have become iconic. More than one hundred years ago, he succeeded in visualizing the impact of emptiness.

Corresponding in an extraordinary way to these empty and seemingly contradictory squares, so alien to daily urban life, is a new and very real experience of space, one that emerged in 2020, as reflected as well in countless media images: for people around the world, the measures undertaken to contain the Covid-19 epidemic beginning in March 2020 have meant massive restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly.

Many of you have sent your beautiful and unsettling scenes of emptiness, photographed during this time. We are showing a growing selection in the foyer of the exhibition and here – many thanks to all of you for your submissions!

You can participate up until May 10th 2021, by sending your images to: submission[at]